Does Your Roof Need to be Cleaned or Replaced?
Those ugly stains on your roof could be more than just an eyesore; they could also be “eating” the shingles.
The main culprit is gloeocapsa magma, a species of airborne bacteria that accumulates and grows on shingles. The bacteria holds moisture, breaks down the shingles and shortens the life of a roof.
Roof cleaning businesses are common in the South, where heat and humidity encourage the growth of bacteria and mold on roofs (and on the sides of houses, for that matter). More people in the Northeast – where stains most often appear on north-facing or shaded roofs that do not get a lot of sunlight – are discovering roof-cleaning as a viable alternative to replacing their roofs.
Before you throw up your hands in disgust and call us for an estimate to replace your roof, contact our friends at Riley’s Roof Wash for an expert opinion. – We work very closely with him and refer him often in cases like this.